Jadi memang hampir tiap-tiap hari menu sarapan pagi aku adalah roti ngan air kosong hahahaha. Teringin gak nak bawak kopi tapi tak dan pulak nak membuatnya. Tu lah orang suruh bangun awal tak mahu. Mana sempat nak siap-siap pas tu nak buat air kopi dalam masa 40 minit jer hahahaha.
Roti ni aku makan masa aku rehat sambil baca suratkhabar Metro percuma yang aku ambil dalam bas. Pagi tadi tak terkecuali. Sambil kunyah-kunyah aku bacalah suratkhabar. Baca pasal Selsema Babi yang tengah panas dan happening sekarang ni. Scotland dah dapat satu kes dah. Kat Falkirk. Couple yang baru balik dari bercuti di Mexico huhuhuhu.
Tengah-tengah baca tu, aku tibalah ke mukasurat 13. Tajuk besarnya "Veggies must use their loaf when buying bread". Apa hal cerita pasal roti ni? Perenggan pertama berbunyi.
"MOST bread sold in shops is not fit for vegetarians because it is baked using animal products, food campaigners say."
Alamak! Tak jadi nak telan roti yang dah dalam mulut.
At least 90 per cent of loaves are made with additives which could include enzymes from the pancreas of pigs
Huwaaaaa!!!!!! Biar betul. Aku selalu beli jenama Hovis sebab kat situ ada label kata suitable for vegetarians.

These are used to speed up the baking processs. But because they are destroyed during cooking, bakers are not required to list them as ingredients, according to the Real Bread Campaign Group.
These claims cast doubt on the vegetarian status of pre-packaged and in-store bakery bread, said Philip Lowery, director of the campaign, which represents local and organic bakers.
"This is a significant issue for vegetarians, vagans and Muslims, whom I believe would be outraged if they knew this was in their bread," he added.
"We have written to the industrial bakers, asking them to voluntarily label their bread or stop using these additives but have yet to get a reply."
Sepanjang-panjang aku baca artikel ni, aku tak sanggup nak telan roti yang aku dah kunyah lumat. Huwaaaaa!
Campaign organisers are offfering the public warning stickers to put on bread and urging them to sign a petition against additive use.
The Federation of Bakers which represents makers of leading brands suc as Warburtons, Hovis and Kingsmill, said consumers need not worry.
"UK bakers habve nothing to hide. All wrapped bread produced in the UK is clearly labelled and strictly adheres to EU legislation," said director Gordon Polson.
Fuh! Lega.... Boleh telan dah. huhuhu... erk
Tapi dia tak de plak cakap, roti-roti dia tak guna addititive kan? Alahai.....