Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
As simple as it can be

Dah hari-hari makan nasi, bohsan gak, so today we decided to change the menu. We decided to have speghetti chicken meatballs.
Posted by khairyn at Friday, September 29, 2006 0 comments
Thursday, September 28, 2006
I Walk
I walked with confidence. My stride were long and fast. The day was chilly but I didn't feel it. My heart was thumping in synchronised with my stride. Thump, thump, thump.
Posted by khairyn at Thursday, September 28, 2006 0 comments
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
New Look New Style

Posted by khairyn at Sunday, September 24, 2006 2 comments
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Kalaulah ...
Posted by khairyn at Saturday, September 16, 2006 0 comments
Out Out and Away!

We've been planning for this trip for almost a week as Wan received a brochure about Loch Lomond Food and Drink Festival. Apparently it's an annual event and held at Balloch.
Since Wan is working on weekends, we decided to go on Friday after the Jumah prayer. We crammed into Wan's Honda Odyssey - 4 adults, 3 children and 1 baby in car seat - Go figure.
The trip took about 40 minutes from Govanhill. The scenery changed once we left the city. It may not be too far from the city but the scenery changed dramatically. The rolling hills, the open fields with sheeps roaming around and the cute cottages. Memang Jakun wa cakap lu!

Although the scenery was beautiful, the festival itself was a let down. It was supposed to be a food festival but the tents can be counted with fingers (Boleh kira dengan jari gitu!!!). It's not semeriah food festival in KL or not even on the same standard with pasar malam in Sentul. Of course lah, this is Scotland and nothing's compare to KL. Even food festival in Singapore is peanuts compared to pasar malam in KL.
I think there were less than 20 tents lined along the pedestrian walkway. There were tents selling cheese, ale and whisky. Variation of meats and of course the oink oink was included. Then there was the tent which attracted us to this place on the first place (aik?). Its the chocolate tent. The only tent that charge for entry. And it aint cheap I tell you. £5 per entry per adult. Cheh! Since we were charged to enter, our first assumption was that we can eat any chocolate we can inside the tent.
'Oh! No,' says the lady with a smile on her face. 'All these chocolates are for sale. We have some bits for you to taste'.
Laaa ..... kena beli ke? Didn't I just parted with my precious £5 at the entrance? Yet, we have to pay for chocolates stacked precariously on the triple tier plates, sitting onthe tables adorned with sweet red strawberries, soft marshmallow (tak boleh makan laaa ada gelatine) around the chocolate fondue? Alaaaa boleh tengok jer ke? Chis!! Anyway there was a Pakistani stall selling pakora and other Indian delicacies. At least adalah gak satu stall yang sell makanan halal. Tapi tak beli pun .... rasa jer!
Takkanlah we're leaving without buying any chocolates for ourselves, not to mention three kids who have super sweet tooth (teeth?) and love and adore chocolates in every shape, sizes, filling and prices? So, we selected the cheapest chocolate we could afford and forked another £2 for a packet per person.

Took some pictures just to pujuk ourselves and decided to have picnic at Duck Bay about 1km away from Balloch. It was a nice picnic area complete with children playground. The kids after having their dose of loads of sugar shot to the playground and ran around like demented little kids.
Liza packed fried speghetti, cikodok pisang and two thermos of hot tea. We brought with us chicken pops (buat sendiri beb!) and a pack of Milky Way chocolates - in case the kids run out of sugar supply.
All in all, it was a so so outing. Thanks to Duck Bay, otherwise our outing would be less than so so. The festival was a let down not because we can't eat the food (ada gak stall jual cheese), but the atmosphere was not as hype as what they advertised. I think we Malaysian host a better makan-makan festival. Ergh! Anyway, the view was splendid!
Posted by khairyn at Saturday, September 16, 2006 0 comments
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Tadi ada bangunan terbakar. Aku nampak dari tingkap bilik aku yang mengadap rumah flats seberang jalan besar Springburn Road. Asap hitam berkepul-kepul naik dan 2 kereta bomba dipanggil untuk memadamkannya. Aku tak tahulah apa yang terbakar tapi aku assume antara rumah flat kat Sighthill dekat Pinkston drive.
Dari tingkap ini memang macam-macam aku bleh nampak. Of course, dari tingkap bilik di tingkat 17 rumah flat kos rendah yang disewa dari Dewan Bandaraya. Selain dari pemandangan bandar yang sipi-sipi nampak dari sini, sesekali aku turut dibuai oleh nyanyian hon keretapi yang meluncur dilandasannya masuk terus ke dalam kawasan baik pulih.
Pemandangan dari bilik aku sebenarnya didominasi oleh rumah-rumah pencakar langit yang berwarna coklat yang memberi perlindungan kepada penduduk di sini yang tidak mampu membeli rumah dua tingkat, agam ataupun istana. Keadaan hidup kami walaupun selesa di dalam rumah flat kecil dua bilik masih lagi tidak seselesa jiran di sebelah yang tinggal di kawasan alunan bukit dan dipenuhi kehijauan.
Penghuni di bukit sebelah begitu bertuah sekali dapat tinggal di kawasan yang sunyi dan tiada gangguan dari pemabuk ataupun berisiko tinggi. Tiada rekod jenayah yang telah dicatatkan di kawasan ini lantas ia memberi jaminan kepada penduduknya bahawa penempatan mereka sangat selamat.
Namun begitu, penempatan ini tetap dijaga rapi dan berpagar, untuk lebih menjamin keselamatan penduduk-penduduknya yang kebanyakan bukan tinggal di semi-detached, link houses ataupun flats. Mereka mempunyai rumah tersendiri, yang berbeza mungkin dari segi architechtural.
Itulah mereka yang bertuah, mereka yang ditempatkan di city cemetery.
Posted by khairyn at Tuesday, September 12, 2006 0 comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Buat apa tu?
Posted by khairyn at Sunday, September 10, 2006 0 comments
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Sit back and relax

Walaupun aku kopak.
Posted by khairyn at Thursday, September 07, 2006 0 comments
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Goodbye ...
Hari tu, mak buat kenduri. Sempena menyambut bulan Syaaban. Sempena gak kenduri doa selamat untuk aku dan juga menyambut hari jadi
untuk anak-anak buah aku.
Posted by khairyn at Sunday, September 03, 2006 0 comments