Ulang lagi
BANGI: Physical development in Ampang and the surrounding areas has
reached its substantial stage, said geo-technicial expert and Kuala Lumpur
Infrastructure University College (KLIUC) president Professor Dr Mahadzer
"Of course, we cannot stop development, but we have to control it so
that it would not cause any more catastrophic effects," he said.
Since the November 2002 tragedy that saw eight people killed after
the two-storey house in Taman Hillview in Bukit Antarabangsa was flattened by a landslide,
Mahadzer and his team from Ikram Infrastructure Research
Centre was entrusted to do a comprehensive study on the area's slope
stability and gradient.
Their study stretched over 110-sq km area from Klang Gates in Hulu Klang
and Bukit Sungai Puteh near Cheras.
According to Mahadzer, they had proposed to the Selangor Government to
classify the areas according to the height above sea level and slope
Areas such as Kampung Baru Ampang and Kampung Tasik are placed in Class
One category, as they are less than 75 metres above sea level, with slopes
less than five degrees.
Taman Ukay Heights and Taman Megah Jaya are in Class Two
(between 75 and 150 metres above sea level, with between five and 15 degrees gradient),
while Taman Hillview, Bukit Antarabangsa and Taman Zooview are both Class
Three and Four with slope gradient between 15 and 35 degrees.
"The problem of landslide is not alarming for those staying on top of these hilly areas.
But it is so to those living at the foot of the hills," he said.
For Ampang areas, he said, most of the flat lands are densely populated
and the only areas left for future development are on hilly terrain.
"With such bad experiences, it is important that we classify the land
according to the classes where Class Four is the most steep requiring
strict development regulations," he said.
He said putting aside natural landslides caused by nature, human
`intervention' is the main contribution to landslides and erosions at
these hilly areas.
He said before the guidelines for hill slope development were introduced
(based on recommendation from Ikram) by the State Government last year,
there was no proper monitoring to ensure that developers carried out
slope stability measures at their work sites.
"Some developers blatantly cut the hills and even dumped unwanted earth
into the gully clogging the water channel which resulted in erosions and landslides."
He said with the classification, tighter guidelines are needed before
any project could be approved.
He said besides the required Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
report, developers must submit comprehensive geo-technical report to the
respective local authorities.
Geotechnical report is also required in areas where erosions and
landslides had occurred even if the area is not classified under Class
"The best way is to study the whole area, and not just the development
site," he said.
"Thus, we recommended that local authorities pool these hillside
developers together so development can be carried out systematically."
Mahadzer said they also recommended only minimum hill cutting and
development should follow the original contour of a hill.
"We should maintain a low density development on these areas and only
five-storey buildings are allowed."
He added that construction sites at these areas must be regularly
monitored, adding that it is also important to ensure that there were
adequate silt traps and retention ponds to prevent mudslides or erosions.
"Now that the authorities have taken precautions regarding hill slope projects, landslides,
if they occur, would not be as serious as what we had experienced," he said.
* THE Malay Mail is doing a series on hill slope development in
Selangor. Today's segment is on Ikram Bhd's views on hill slope
development in Ampang and on the survey on topography accuracy.
Artikel ini keluar pada 17/12/2004Aku sebenarnya dah kehabisan kata-kata pasal hal tanah runtuh di Bukit Antarabangsa ni. Siapa nak disalahkan? Alam? Salahkan alam maknanya salahkan Tuhan. Kerajaan? Atau orang yang beli rumah kat situ walaupun dah tahu kawasan kat situ tak stabil?
Gambar dicuri dari www.mstar.com.my
Semoga Allah belas pada mangsa-mangsa tanah runtuh.
Peringatan yang tak diambil iktibar. Semoga mereka bersabar dan sentiasa dalam kasih sayangNYA.
Aku pun dah kehabisan kata2 ... geleng kepala je yang aku boleh buat. sighhhh ...
ingat dulu kan ... time LBS tu .. masuk je musim tengkujuh hujung tahun kita kena monitor area tu. check dengan residents, MPAJ walaupun sekecik2 landslide. sekarang??
media lagi sibuk dengan mawi kawin :P
salah satu dari cara Allah mengingatkan kita yang sering kali lalai... terjadinya kejadian tu angkara tangan-tangan manusia juga...
mawi kawin? bila??? antara sebab malas nak beli / baca newspaper sekrg... lebih banyak berita hiburan... so baca yang online jer, mana yang perlu jer...
kesian. saya dulu pun berniat nak beli bungalow 'little sydney' yang tertimbus tu. developer's price time tu hanya 480 K, tapi budget masa tu very tight. anyway syukur sebab walaupun rumah kawan baik saya ranap, beliau sekeluarga sempat menyelamatkan diri
Salam IdulAdha sahabat.
Maaf Zahir Batin ya.
*hmmmm ... pagi raya ni hujan kat sini sejak awal pagi tadi ... macamana la kat tempat tragedi tu kan ... mesti dalam keadaan berjaga-jaga tahap maksima.
semoga kita sentiasa berbaik sangka kepadaNya. Inilah peringatan paling berharga dan tidak sepatutnya berulang.
ya, aku dengan kau dah macam boleh berkampung kat Bukit Antarabangsa tu. Hampir setiap hari pergi ke sana dan MPAJ.
Kita sudah hidup dalam dunia selebriti. Taksub sungguh dengan dorang tu.
Harga nyawa terlalu murah.
Habis tragedi ni semua orang akan lupa hinggalah empat tahun akan datang bila ia berulang.
Mawi? Hebat sungguh dia sampai satu melaya bagi perhatian pada dia.
Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya. My dad memang nak beli rumah kat kawasan tu dulu walaupun kami tinggal di Ampang lebih 24 tahun. Tahun 80an rumah kat situ memang sangat murah, tapi my dad tak nak sebab dia kata tanah kat situ tak stabil dan takut tanah runtuh.
Salam Eidul Adha jua untuk kau dan famili
Semoga tak ada lagi kejadian tanah runtuh dan semoga proses mencari dan menyelamat berjaya diteruskan.
aku tak tau nak cakap apa la. nak kata yang beli rumah tu semua bodoh, kejam pulak rasanya.
bagi aku kalau yang beli rumah pra highland towers, mungkin tak tau kisah. tapi yang beli pasca highland towers.... susah nak cakap. ni dah terbeli, susah hati la. nak jual tak de siapa nak beli.
nak blah, hutang dah berkapuk dalam bank. mana lagi nak pergi kan.
I think they should sue all the developers yang menjanjikan rumah mereka selamat (jauh cik dari Highland Towers tu.. 1. 5 KM. kan jauh tu.) ermm tanah tu bergerak more few hundreds meters and the last I check maklumla maths aku pun cukup makan, I KM equavalent to 1000 meters, betul tak.
Alangkah erthquake yang berlaku di dalam lautan yang berribu KM jauhnya tu pun boleh alih plat tectonic yang di bawah bumi Malaysia ni, apa la sangat tanah runtuh di pasak bumi (I think ada orang pernah cakap pasal pasak bumi kat Bukit antarabangsa ni) yang letaknya 1.5 km SAJE dari development.
They should read today's NST la. kenapa la tak nak baca buku2 geografi tu? That is why we need to make Geography as mata pelajaran wajib. So Malaysians would read and understand about pergerakan tanah, lime stones, hakisan semua tu.
Yang aku pelik, kawasan yang banyak tanah runtuh tu la hartanahnya mencecah setengah juta. buat bangunan tinggi2 mencakar langit di lereng bukit.
tak tau la aku perasaan rang yang duduk kat situ, but everytime aku travel lalu MRR2 kat tepi tu, rasa sayup n ngeri je tengok rumah2 yang atas tiang yang so skelettal.
entah la. bagi aku, duit boleh cari, nyawa kita dan orang tersayang bukan boleh diganti.
Salam perkenalan
Ni first time aku jumpa blog ni. Enjoy jugak baca entry2 yang menarik :)
Nak menyampuk sikit pasal landslide ni. Aku cume heran kenape la diorang ni buat rumah kat situ sebenarnya? Most people kat situ highly educated, they must had known the risks and they took their chances. Jadi bila jadi benda ni nak salahkan sapa?
Hai manusia ni memang macam-macam perangai
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