Tuesday, February 22, 2005

My birthday

I celebrating my birthday today. Feeling quite malancholy, I think it was because of the age factor.

Here I am sitting on my single bed in Chello Hostel, thinking about my life. Yes, I have done what I always want to do - travelling. I have a job that I had always wanted - although now I am almost bored of it. I am working at an establishment, the top in the industry. But, why I have this nagging feeling that there is something missing from my life?

Submit yourself to your God and you will never feel alone.
When you feel that no one listen to you, pour it all to God.

Here I am sitting on the bed, pouring my wish, thoughts and thanks to Allah. Submitting myself to the One and Only. Please guide me ya Allah!

Oh Tuhan Tidaklah aku layak untuk syurgaMu, namun aku tak berdaya menahan panas api neraka Mu. Terimalah amal ibadahku, ampunilah segala dosa ku dan segala dosa kedua ibu bapaku. Dan mereka yang gugur memperjuangkan agamaMu. Sesungguhnya aku insan yang sangat lemah. Tetapkan imanku dan panjangkan usiaku, semoga aku dapat memperbaiki diriku dan menyerahkan jiwaku padaMu ya Allah. Amin ya robbul alamin.

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