Dear friends

Its been 14 years and I thought I would not recognise you. How wrong I was. You have changed. Yes. Maybe physically because underneath, you are still the same.
A few months ago RZDee informed me through email that some ex-school mates are planning for reunion. It would be the first alumni and I was excited. I looked for old photos of my friends, my classmates since Form One and tried to imagine how they woud look like now. How many are married, with kids, divorced or swinging singles. I remembered some of their nicknames - Nan, Ayin, Lizal, Sotong, Nani, Nit, Madz, McGyver, Herni, Nora.. and the list goes on.
I could not believe it that I was actually berdebar-debar that day. Since morning I was contemplating - should I go early or should I be fashionably late? Should I go with friends or should I go alone? This is worse then going for a blind date. But, I was excited to meet my friends.
That morning, my hp buzzed.
"Eh! Kita kena pakai baju kurung ke? Ish! I was thinkin' of wearing blouse and pants"
It was from Madz.
So, I replied..
"Aik? Pakai baju kurung? Reunion ke kenduri kahwin? Skemanya. Me just wear jeans and blouse"
"You get that one correct. hahaha"
By 1.30pm I was already heating up MsWira's engine. This "girl" has been very notty. She played in dirt and now her gleaming supple body is covered with dirt and grime, and me so busy, got no time to bathe her. Hish! Teruknya, going for reunion and your friends would see how dirty your car is.. but tak apalah, then they would know how busy your single life is, sampai tak ada masa nak hantar kereta to be washed.
Zurd and I decided to go on separate cars because she would have to pick up her younger sister in Gombak, so after Zohor prayer, we left her house to our old school. Yep! Our inaugural alumni is held at the school's hall.
My heart fluttered when I passed the school's gate. It brought back too many sweet memories. The times when we tried to sneak out, cheering our football team, or simply berbondong-bondong balik macam itik pulang petang. There are a lot of changes in that school. It has three blocks now but that extra pertukangan wooden block is still there. I wonder whether they are still doing the free chair repairing service for the school hehehe.
The old bicycle shelter was removed to make way for the new dewan. There was no new shelter for the two-wheelers. Are the new generation no longer cycle to school anymore? Are all of them sent by parents in big cars? The small taman was also no longer there. But there is a small "Wakaf Warisan" for school children to sit and discuss. The canteen is now better looking, more organised complete with tables draped in red cloths. Macam boleh buat mesyuarat U*n0.
I parked my car right opposite the hall's entrance and just sat there watching the ex-students greeting each other at the registration counter. Dah lama sangat and I only recognised a few faces. People who have left their marks in my heart.
I was greeted by a familiar face but I don't remember her name. I smiled at her and asked her name. Then a guy approached me and smiled.
"Hi, Assalamualaikum. Remember me?" he asked.
I laughed. Nervous. I don't remember his name. "I remember your face!"
"I know your name. Its you right? You have not changed a bit except of course...."
I smiled. Of course. There was no reduction, always expandition. Then someone called his name. Huda. Yes! I remember him. He was always with another boy Hakim. Our very own "Judge"!.
We stepped inside the hall. There were tables and chairs. Yep! It looked more like kenduri kahwin. There were those who came with spouses and some with children. Some were seen pushing trams while a few women were heavily pregnant.
The atmosphere inside the hall was cheerful. Children were running around the hall while moms and dads chatting away. Remembering the old days. I joined Madz, Herni who came with her nine-months old cute baby girl, Nora who brought her eldest daughter, Miss McGuyver-chatty as always. Then came Mar with her three beautiful children and drama-actor-look husband. I talked with Kak Naz who is the younger sister of the actor-Shaharuddin Thambi. Mon, who was one of the organising committee member.
I saw my old sweet dream boys - Carrey, Wan Chic, and of course the one and only Ayin, who was my best friend during Scouts heyday. Ayin, the boy who was ever willing to help us girls. Playful, charming and still maintain "handsome" now is married and the father of a cute baby girl, Hana. Except Ayin, I wondered what make me fall for these boys hahaha.
Well, the event may not be well organised. But the efforts to bring back more than 100 1991 school leavers was what matters. It was not easy to contact us, but Im sure the next alumni, the organiser would be able to get more ex-SMTT to attend the function. Thanx to the cikgus who are still there and dedicating their lives in educating the next generations. Cikgu Razak, you are a Scout through and through.