Sessi torture
(Everybody knows) that the 'Great' Mazidul Akmal Sidek was arrested and tested positive for dope.
The gossip.
Where? A friend told me it was in one of the clubs in Pelangi area in JB. It is a notorious place to get dope and ayams, of course. It is considered black area but I do like Pelangi Mall. Red Box. Yeah! Sambil makan sambil nyanyi. Got 'licence' to nyanyi free some more! But did not do that while in JB, my conscience was my gatekeeper *sigh*.
The gossip2
"Semua orang tak suka dia. Bukan takat budak-budak pit tu, polis pun menyampah dengan dia"
"Laaa... ko tak ingat ke time dia datang JB. Berlagak macam dia Musa Hassan plak. Datang-datang je suruh bebudak JB South buat raid dadah. Macamlah diorang ni tak de kerja lain."
Hah! Ingat. Nyusahkan orang betullah!
"Macam bagus je! Luku kepala anak orang lepas tu marah-marah budak tu, cakap kesian kat mak bapak sebab ada anak yang macam ni bla bla bla."
Hahaha.. kesian gak ngan mak bapak dia ada anak celebrity yang kena tangkap positive dadah.
"Sebab dia kawan dengan budak 'toooot' tu. Budak tu memang tak betul sejak aku kenal dia kat UiTM. Super duper trooper senior aku tuh!"
oooooo... *lopong*
#Where'd she goes, I missed her so.....# (1 new message)
"Loga Alleycats passed away"
The Gossip.
I know someone who was devastated when she heard the news. She's been an avid fan of Alleycats since... ages I guess. She lives in London and was elated (a mild word for it actually - ecstatic would be a better choice) when the band came to London to perform a few years ago. Oh yes! She's my super duper trooper senior. She already left when I joined the organisation in 1994.
"Oi! bukakla Bernama, Pak Lah nak kawen dah ni!" (via YM)
Waited almost five minutes for Bernama's page to load. Crappy server! Not mine of course! Kill time by chatting and playing solitaire. Yup! Full fledge fingers exercise. Tambah kurus la jari-jari ni!
Tada! Page uploaded. Looked at the picture.
Weh! Macam arwah la!
The gossip.
"Wah! Multi-racial gitu!"
Sisters in Islam rules!
"Apa kena mengenanya?"
The gossip2
"Dengar citer ada pertalian gak dengan Endon."
Ya ka?
"Macam ipar duai biras gitu-gitu lah. Balu ipar Pak Lah."
Ooooo. Best kan orang kaya kawen.
Ada duit, bila-bila pun buleh.
"Ko frust tak?"
Heh? Kenapa Pak Lah tak nak tunggu aku abis belajar??
Now this was what I read early yesterday morning.
The torture continued.
Spent my night watching two disturbing documentaries.
1. Kidnapped bride in Kyrgyzstan
- An old tradition where a man who fancies a woman would resort to abducting the girl and 'force' her to marry him. The abducted girl later is subjected to a mental torture when family members and relatives (of the groom to be) would 'persuade' her to accept the marriage. The girl can say no but the torture continues until she succumb to the 'request'. A girl committed suicide by hanging herself as she refused to marry the man who had abducted her. The ritual is banned and made illegal by the Government but the law was never enforced.
2. Sex change Hospital
- The title itself made me cringe but I really wanted to know what the docu is all about. Two males decided to let go of their penises. One was a bounty hunter loaded with male testosterone hormone (big bones, big biceps, hot tempered) decided to be a woman since he was 14 years old and saw his granny tending the garden wearing a big hat (of all the reasons!!). He started his transformation to become a her and had breasts augmentation. Adoi!
Both had the transsexual operation San Rafael hospital and they really showed how it was done. From a penis to a vagina. Adehhhh! The operation literarily looked sooooo painful.
So, enough torture for me tonite.
Signing off.
buang la wei gambar tuh.. haha...
tak suka ah botak tu...
tutup mata..
ada lagi jenis tu..
kesimpulan hari ni apabila saya melawat tukang2 blog (puan) ada 2-3 orang yg rasa kecewa..
kerna PAK LAH tidak memilih mereka..
betul ke mereka kecewa??..
wah! panas panas!!!
ps: memang sah...pompuan gemar bergosip gosip...huhhu:p
biarla buat penyeri hahha
Si botak tu lupa dia celebrity kot.
betullah keciwa. Tak dapat merasa makan duit rakyat hahahaha
eheh! Gosip bagus tau! hahaha
sibotak tu.. lupa dia makhluk saja kot...
err... yang lelain tu apa cerita? takkan botak saja...
ahh.. benci la botak tuh... haha..
buang la wei gambar tuh... geli tau...
tadi tak baca kisah sepital tu... err.. kat mana tuh? berapa abis? berapa lama baru buleh siap? cantik tak depa buat? haha...
erk. saya jijik pulak tengok gambar tu. erk. macam nak termuntah pulak.
aku (mu, hahaha)
Setelah berbincang dengan admin, keputusannya adalah, gambar itu akan terus berada di situ hahaha.
Rasanyala kan kalo lelaki (lurus??) yang tengok mau meraung agaknya. Mutilated habis! Nak tukar tu more than USD15k. The end product yang ditunjuk berada di dalam keadaan bengkak dan lebam. Weird...
hahaha, the picture stays. Inilah kepincangan masyarakat akibat terlalu liberal. Ini juga peringatan pada kita. Masalah ini juga wujud dalam masyarakat kita. But how do we deal with this? Ignore them? Accept them? Or find ways for them to change their lifestyle? Or should we just wash our hands and said that its between them and God?
oh gambar apa? apakah aku terlewat tiba lalu terlepas peluang? huhuh.. mana gambar?
oh gossip!
o'od, gambar jantan dua ekor tu la...
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